Training Provider Portal

Welcome to the NextLevel Jobs Workforce Ready Grant (WRG) Training Provider Portal

Here, training providers can access all of the tools needed for managing provider participation in the Workforce Ready Grant. 

  • Apply to be a new WRG training provider and track your application status;
  • Request additional courses to be approved for WRG; 
  • Manage WRG reimbursement invoices; and
  • Track WRG participants;

If you are a new training provider, interested in becoming an approved WRG training provider, your programs must be approved and listed on the INTraining, Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) prior to submitting your WRG application. If this step has not been completed, please STOP and visit this page to become an Eligible Training Provider. Once your programs have been approved and are on the ETPL, use this link to become a Workforce Ready Training Provider.

Portal Tabs and Features:

  1. My Leads: Track the status of potential new students.
  2. Provider Details: Apply and add new courses, manage current courses, and update student records.
  3. Application Status: Track your application status from start to finish.
  4. Invoices: Create, submit, and track WRG invoices.
  5. My Students: Track, edit, update your student records here. Keep these records up to date, to reflect the most accurate performance data.
  6. Edit Provider: Providers can edit or update their contact information, such as contact, email, address, etc.
  7. My Profile: Update your login information when needed here.